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*['fulnis]\nn. 满, 充满, 丰富\n【医】 发胀

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英文: And grant, above all, such an insight into the need, into the power into the blessedness of a simple whole-hearted faith in Jesus Christ, and an unreserved surrender to His mastery, that their hearts may be prepared to receive Him in all the fullness of H

中文: 我们特别求你使他们能看见下面两方面的需要:有一个对耶稣基督单纯而全心的相信,并对他主权毫无保留的降服,并看见它们所带来的能力和祝福;使他们的心准备好要接受他的爱,以及他持续同在中的一切丰盛。        更详细...
英文: And say to the people of the land, Thus says the Lord Jehovah to the inhabitants of Jerusalem in the land of Israel, They will eat their bread with anxious carefulness and drink their water with horror so that their land may be emptied of its fullness bec

中文: 19你要对这地的百姓说,主耶和华向以色列地耶路撒冷的居民如此说,他们吃饭必忧虑,喝水必惊惶;因其中居住的众人所行强暴的事,他们的地必然荒废,其中所充满的必一无所存。        更详细...
英文: And to know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God.

中文: 19并认识基督那超越知识的爱,使你们被充满,成为神一切的丰满。        更详细...
英文: And yet, alas, how many there are who put their trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sin, and yet never think of claiming the fullness of the promise—the new heart cleansed from sin, with the Holy Spirit breathing in it such love and delight in God's la

中文: 然而,何等可惜,有许多人相信基督,只是为了罪得赦免,从未想到要来支取这些应许的丰满——蒙洗净脱离了罪的新心,又有圣灵将对神律法的爱慕和喜悦,以及顺服的能力,放在这心中,使他们能得到新约完满的祝福,而得以作神的子民,并且认识他为他们的神。        更详细...
英文: Black cedar adds body, fullness to the aroma. As for the rest of the tones, each has its own characteristics, and it's as much an art as a science.

中文: 雪松使身体芬芳满布。至于其他的,则各有各的特色。这是一门科学,更是一种艺术。        更详细...

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