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*[pә'laitnis]\nn. 有礼, 优雅

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英文: You have been wonderfully quick,her father retorted, with a vindictive politeness that was quite thrown away upon her. Michael first,he said doggedly.

中文: “你真是快得出奇,”她爸爸带点报复意味地、彬彬有礼地讥刺说,“迈克尔先吃。”他固执地说。        更详细...
英文: As has been mentioned, self-denigration has been at the core of the Chinese noton of politeness for over two thousand years, the Chinese in order to show modesty will go to such lengths as to underrate what he himself has achieved and deny the truth of a

中文: 正如所提到的,自贬是两千年来中国人表现礼貌的观念,中国人为了表现谦虚会极力地贬低自我所取得的成就并否认别人赞美的真相。        更详细...
英文: Based on the application of fuzzy language in the conversation, this paper attempts to study the violation of the cooperative principle and the observance of politeness principle and it comes to a conclusion that politeness is the key factor to affect app

中文: 该文结合模糊语言在实际会话中的运用就合作原则的违反与礼貌原则的遵守进行探讨,并认为礼貌是制约语用的关键。        更详细...
英文: Distinct differences are found in four Chinese apologetic politeness strategies, i. e., explanation, direct apology, offer of repair and punishment while difference is only found in one English apologetic politeness strategy, i. e., explanation.

中文: 结果发现:汉语致歉行为对社会距离的感知度比英语致歉行为的感知度高;汉语在解释、直接道歉、补偿和求罚等4个策略上,明显地受社会距离感知动态的影响,而英语只是在解释这个策略上体现出影响。        更详细...
英文: Euphemism has been widely used in all aspects of social life. Its application is attributed mainly to different social psychology, such as taboo, politeness or political purpose nut of disguise.

中文: 摘要作为修辞手段的委婉语广泛地应用于社会生活的各个层面,其产生主要归因于不同的社会心理,如忌讳、礼貌以及出于政治需要的伪装或掩饰。        更详细...

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