英文: Moreover, green design, green material, green production, green packing, green marketing, green consumption and green recycle form the major structure of GSCM The modern enterprise roust take the approaches to construct go ding policies and laws, to estab
中文: 现代企业实施绿色供应链管理战略模式,应从制定相应的导向性政策法规、确立绿色供应链管理的战略地位、重组绿色供应链管理需要的业务流程、重塑绿色供应链企业间的相互关系和设计绿色供应链管理环境绩效评价指标等途径措施入手。
英文: Some people have suggested that Proust is not a novelist at all, but an essayist.
中文: 有些人提出,普鲁斯特根本不是小说家,而是散文作家。
英文: The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels,from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings, made it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently.
中文: 各种有意义的联系在所有的层次上,自抽象的理性至深刻的梦幻般的情感,层出不穷并不断重新组合排列;正是这些有意义的联系的丰富性和复杂性,致使普鲁斯特难于将它们错落有致地安排好。
英文: The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves on all levels,from abstract intelligence to profound dreamy feelings,made it difficult for Proust to set them out coherently.
中文: 正是这些有意义的联系的丰富性和复杂性,致使普鲁斯特难于将它们错落有致地安排好。