英文: An Investigation of the Huangmei Opera Film Genreis a doctoral research project which comprises a vivid documentary series and academic writing in order to advance a film research mode grounded in practitioner research, where the activity of filmmaking an
中文: 摘要「黄梅调电影探索」是一个包含多部纪录片制作系列及研究论文的博士专题,其目的是在建立一个新的研究模式,在这模式中电影创作及电影理论互相辉眏及印证,本篇文章便是研究论文中的其中一篇。
英文: I swapped cars for the evening with a friend,Andy said, and this cool admission of how well-planned his investigation had been did him no good at all in the eyes of the jury.
中文: “为了晚上的行动我与一个朋友换了车,”安迪说,对精心策划的跟踪行动的供认不诲给陪审团留下了极不利的印象。
英文: The higher the position a cheater occupies, the easier for him to avoid investigation and punishment,Fang told the Monitor.
中文: 方舟子告诉箴言报:“欺诈者职位越高,他逃避调查和惩处就越容易。”
英文: The investigation has been provoked by the desire of a small group of individuals in Brazil to gain control over Corinthians Football Club.
中文: “这个调查已经被巴西国内一小部分群体煽动起来了,他们时为了增强对科林西安俱乐部的控制。
英文: The investigation in Brazil has been rumbling on for some considerable time and apparently involves numerous individuals including the president, club officials and partners of Corinthians Football Club,Joorabchian said in a statement.
中文: “在巴西的调查已经折腾了相当长一段时间,并且很明显(调查)涉及了很大一部分个人,包括主席,俱乐部官员及科林西安俱乐部”,霍拉布钦在一份声明中说道。