英文: 2 Employees witnessing an injury incident or finding another employee ill should promptly report the problem to the Duty Assistant Manager – Front Office.
中文: 员工当发现同事受伤或者发病时应立即向值班大堂副理报告。
英文: A mixture of emotions flooded the author's soul, from fear to sympathy for the caribous' impending doom and exhilaration from witnessing one of natures plays unfolding in front of his eyes.
中文: 我百感交集,既哀怜驯鹿之劫数难逃,又乐于亲眼见证此自然法则之游戏开场.
英文: After witnessing his father murder his mom, 10 year-old Gabriel becomes insane.
中文: 在目睹父亲谋杀母亲后,10岁加布里埃尔变得精神失常。
英文: But after witnessing the last two shambolic England displays, how McClaren would love to unleash Owen alongside Wayne Rooney.
中文: 同样对于经历了英格兰两场混乱的比赛后,如果欧文回来和鲁尼搭档,麦克拉伦肯定乐疯了。
英文: Chinese in such society have been witnessing social changes and time passing-by, reacting respectively and preserving the last respect in daily lives that often go flustered.
中文: 生活在其中的中国人,目睹与承受着社会的变迁与光阴的流逝,做出各自的反应,在经常慌乱不堪的日常生活中,努力保持最后的尊严。