英文: Hours in front of a computer screen may increase the risk of glaucoma in people who are myopic or short-sighted, Japanese scientists said on Tuesday.
中文: 日本科学家11月15日表示,长时间使用电脑可能会引发眼部疾病,而这种危害对近视眼患者尤为严重。
英文: Nuclear type of cataract is frequent found in middle age. of high myopic patient, which may make the fast progression of, myopia.
中文: 核性白内障是中年高度近视患者所常见的,会导致近视度数的急遽增加。
英文: Our myopic focus on this life,and this life only,is the great deception,the source of the modern world's bleak and destructive materialism.
中文: 我们目光短浅地以为只有今世,这是极大的欺幻,也是现代世界衰微和破坏性物质主义大兴其道的原因。
英文: Periodic visual field and three dimensional disc examination are important for high myopic patients.
中文: 定期视野及三度空间视神经的检查在高度近视病患是重要的。
英文: Refractive error more than -15.OD,, axial length over 29.0mm, and age more than 45 years old are risk factors for the development of early myopic maculopathy.
中文: 近视度数超过-15.0D,眼轴长超过29.0毫米,且年龄超过45岁以上是产生黄斑部病变的危险因子。