英文: Formalist Aesthetics, Woolf and Feminism attempts to build up a theoretical framework through exploring Fry's postimpressionism, Merleau-Ponty and Lacan's discussion of Cezanne's painting and their dynamic meaning of the seeing.
中文: 「形式美学?吴尔芙与女性主义」藉由探讨傅莱的后印象主义、塞尚的再现观点与梅洛庞蒂和拉岗对视觉与意象的拆解,来勾勒本论文理论架构。
英文: Osip Brik, an important figure in the Russian formalist movement, once remarked that Pushkin's Eugene Onegin would have been written even if Pushkin had not lived.
中文: 奥希普·布里克,俄国形式主义潮流中的重要人物,曾这样论及普希金的《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》,说是即便不存在普希金这个人,还是有人会创作出这部作品。
英文: Paul de Man begins by noting a decline in what he calls “formalist and intrinsic criticism.” And he accounts for this by observing an increasing interest in reference amongst literary critics.
中文: 德曼从形式主义和内在批评的衰落和对在批评家中间越来越多被谈及的“指意”开始他的论述。
英文: The image-numberological achievements obtained by the Yi zhuan (also called the Ten Wings) and the Han scholars were succeeded by the scholars of the Northern and Southern dynasties, who also criticized the formalist style in the image-numberology, and th
中文: 《易传》和汉代易学创造出来的象数成果得到南北朝易学家的继承,南朝易学家对象数易学中的形式主义学风给予了批判,并呈现出本体论思维与易学象数相结合的思想萌芽。