英文: The problems of efficacy lost in cooperative learning in class for college students are usually manifested in as follows: being formalistic and empty of stuff, teacher-student separation and short of communication; being rash for success and lacking think
中文: 摘要大学生课堂合作学习失效的问题表现为:流于形式,缺乏内涵;师生分离,缺乏交流;急于求成,轻视思考;滥用乱用,缺乏目的。
英文: The second section indicates that the awakening of the mind is more substantial than the formalistic indoctrination.
中文: 本文第三节分别从普遍与特殊两个层面,论证专业伦理与道德教育之所以必须以「心灵的唤醒」为其基础的理由。
英文: We are also clearly aware that some government officials have a subjective, formalistic and bureaucratic style of work, and they are wasteful, extravagant and fraudulent, and sometimes even corrupt.
中文: 我们还清醒地看到,有些政府工作人员存在主观主义、形式主义和官僚主义作风,奢侈浪费,弄虚作假,甚至贪污腐败。