英文: A particular version of the gene protects against this inappropriate autoimmune response, while a different version of the gene makes it more likely to happen,he added.
中文: 他补充说道“该基因的某种特殊表型可保护机体免受这种异常自身免疫反应,然而另外一种模式则可能诱发异常的自身免疫反应”。
英文: The customer service department is gearing up for after the holidays, when people wait in long lines to return silly, inappropriate gifts.
中文: 节后当顾客们排着长队等待退还那些无聊的、不合适的礼品时,客户服务部门忙了起来。
英文: 3 Moderately inappropriate use of, andd interest in, toys andd other objects.
中文: 对玩具或其他物体存在中度异常的兴趣和使用方式。
英文: All the rest of Buddhism we can now let go as the religious trappings of an ancient culture utterly inappropriate for the Dhamma of our technological age.
中文: 佛教其余一切部分是一个古老文化的宗教性装饰,作为我们这个科技时代的佛法,是彻底不合时宜了,如今可以放弃了。
英文: Any unit or individual may not, by any means, ask or express implicitly their intention to the certified public accountant and the accounting firm to which the certified accountant belongs to issue false or inappropriate auditing report .
中文: 任何单位或者个人不得以任何方式要求或者示意注册会计师及其所在的会计师事务所出具不实或者不当的审计报告。