英文: Very carefully with a gentle lifting motion, open the blister with a sterile needle to drain any trapped fluid.
中文: 小心提高乳头的位置,用消过毒的针把小泡刺破,把里面的液体放掉。
英文: We provide an environment that is conducive to learning yet without the sterile atmosphere of a traditional classroom.
中文: 我们将班房设计成既适合上课亦不落于传统的沈闷模式。
英文: When backpackers first hit the road in the 1970s, they were seen as an antidote to sterile package tours, a return to travel independently as exploration and adventure.
中文: 当背包徒步旅行在20世纪70年代第一次出现时,它们被视为处于低潮时期团体旅游的一颗良药。/治愈..的一味良药.
英文: The Arabidopsis thaliana columbia seeds are dipped in sterile water at 4℃for three days and the Arabidopsis embryos are dissected easily with a slim forceps under the sterile condition.
中文: 本研究以拟南芥columbia生态型种子为材料,把拟南芥种子在4℃的无菌水中浸泡3天,无菌环境下用细镊子得以轻松分离无损伤拟南芥胚胎/胚,并使发芽达到同步化。
英文: On Breeding Method for Two-Line Rice Male Sterile Line in the North;
中文: 浅谈北方两系不育系选育方法