英文: Comment: Ealuating menopausal status with tests such as estradiol or FSH assessment is generally not helpful (Journal Watch Women's Health Jun 20 2006); furthermore, such testing may not be coered by insurance.
中文: 意见:一般来说,经雌二醇或FSH检测来评价绝经情况并没有什么帮助(2006.6.20《妇女健康杂志》);而且,这些检测并没有列入保险之列。
英文: Comment: Evaluating menopausal status with tests such as estradiol or FSH assessment is generally not helpful (Journal Watch Women's Health Jun 20 2006); furthermore, such testing may not be covered by insurance.
中文: 意见:一般来说,经雌二醇或FSH检测来评价绝经情况并没有什么帮助(2006.6.20《妇女健康杂志》);而且,这些检测并没有列入保险之列。
英文: Fig. 1 The pga22 phenotype. The pga22 mutant seedlings were grown in the absence (far left) or presence of increasing concentrations of estradiol (second from the left to far right).
中文: 在逐渐增加雌激素诱导剂浓度后(从左侧第二株至第六株),突变表型逐渐增强。
英文: Our main products include: Tibolone, Trenbolone Acetate, Norgestimate, Melengestrel Acetate, Levonorgestrel, Gestodene, Estriol, Estradiol and related intermediates.
中文: 主要产品为替勃龙、醋酸坦勃龙、诺孕酯、醋酸美伦孕酮、左炔诺孕酮、孕二烯酮、雌三醇、雌二醇等及其中间体。
英文: Transdermal patches that last up to seven days are now on the market: nicotine to help people stop smoking and estradiol (estrogen) to counter the symptoms of menopause or to act as part of a contraceptive [see “Potent Patches” Working Knowledge, page 92]
中文: 市面上已有可以维持七天之久的皮肤贴片,例如可帮助人们戒菸的尼古丁贴片,以及应付停经症状或是用来避孕的雌性素贴片(见第114页〈良药妙贴〉)。