英文: I don't remember anything. I have only these. These are how I know what they looked like,″ she said, leafing through some half dozen Polaroid-type family snaps.
中文: “我什么都不记得了。我只有这些东西,通过它们我才知道了父母的样子。”她一边说,一边飞快地翻看着大约半打“拍立得”式家庭快照。
英文: I was leafing through an old school magazine when I came across your photo.
中文: 当我匆匆翻阅一本学校旧杂志时,偶然发现了你的照片。
英文: I was leafing through the dictionary, trying to complete a homework assignment, when I noticed the French had prescribed genders for the various land masses and natural wonders we Americans had always thought of as sexless, Niagara Falls is feminine and,
中文: 有一回为赶作业,我匆匆翻阅着字典,却发现那些在我们美国人看来无所谓阴阳的各种地名和自然奇景,居然都被钦定了阴阳。
英文: The plane trees lining the main street are leafing out.
中文: 大街两旁的梧桐树已冒芽长叶。
英文: The results of the 2-yrs investigation in 1993 and 1994 show that significant phenological phases occurred in various months, and are listed as follows: budding and leafing phase was from March to April; flower appearing phase in April; peak leafing phase
中文: 以1993年和1994年两年间的调查结果显示,在福山地区明显的物候现象发生的月份如下:3月和4月为抽芽展叶,4月为花出现,4月和5月为展叶盛期,4~6月为开花期,7~10月为着果期,10月至次年2月为落叶树种之落叶期。