英文: In many respects, the 1918 influenza pandemic was similar to others before it and since.
中文: 与之前或之后的流感相比,1918年的流感大流行在许多方面是类似的。
英文: In part that's because occasionally the flu will change radically in what is called a shiftand take humans by such complete surprise that a pandemic erupts.
中文: 部分原因是流感病毒有时候会完全变了一个样,称为「大变异」,让人类惊觉流感已爆发大流行。
英文: It could evolve into a potential pandemic that way, or by recombining with human flu, especially as most people in the Far East are not vaccinated against ordinary flu strains.
中文: 它可能通过上述方法演化出潜在的流行,或通过重组人类流感,特别是在远东并没有注射疫苗预防普通流感。
英文: It said even a mild pandemic would cause a 113-billion dollar loss to Asia's economy.
中文: 亚行说,即使出现较小规模的流行病,也会给亚洲经济造成1千1百30亿美元的损失。
英文: Poverty has always plagued the area, and now the pandemic has further complicated survival.
中文: 贫穷一直是这里挥之不去的阴影,而现在“流行疾病”又让生存变得更加复杂和困难。