英文: Eleven hours and forty-five minutes later I was wheeled into a recovery room and a very few hours after being returned to my own hospital room I found myself actually on my feet, half walking, half 5)propelled by medical equipment and members of my family
中文: 11个小时45分钟后,我又被推进了疗养室,在被送回自己的病房后,仅仅几个小时,我就已经能下地行走了——一半是自己在走,一半是被医疗器械和家人推着走。
英文: The temperature of recovery room must be controlled at and the illumination keep glimmering. The mortality will be registered after 9 hours. The topical application is dropping .7HL pesticides on the tergum of fro-thorax or abdomen.
中文: 点滴法:选意蜂采集工蜂为试虫、每组~0只,重复 次、低温或不处理为试验前处理方法、0%的蔗糖或蜜水饲喂,在前胸背板处或腹部背板点.7μL药液、恢复室温度控制在±℃、光照条件为微光、观察记录8h死亡率。