英文: As much as anything, he kept himself under control even though his shot was on and didn't fire up more than 10 FGAs.
中文: 虽然他今天手感不错,但他能够控制自己的出手不超过10次。
英文: Chopper They're throwing intense anti-aircraft fire up at us. Watch out!
中文: 他们在释放强烈的对空火力。小心!
英文: Don't fire up like that. No one meant to hurt your feelings.
中文: 别那样发火,谁也没有存心伤害你。
英文: Fire up their curiosity and excitement about life by extending their horizons -- take them on adventures to new places and ensure they meet as many different kinds of people as possible to broaden their outlook.
中文: 扩大他们的视野以激发他们对生活的好奇心和兴奋点--带他们去异国他乡、奇风异俗的地方,尽量接触各色人等,以此扩大他们的视野。
英文: Get on the horn or fire up the email -- connections with those who are afar need to be rekindled, whether they're work related, friends or relatives.
中文: 桔解:要多留意一下邮件,要与那些在远方的人重新开始联系,不管是工作上有关的人,朋友,还是亲属。