英文: As for its development, the paper holds that bodybuilding is to be estimated as the most distinct banner. profound cultural implication the inner power, theoretical prosperity the solid material foundation, the energetic support and popularization on the
中文: 认为:健身价值的定位是太极拳发展最鲜明的旗帜;深厚的文化意蕴是太极拳发展历久不衰的内在动力;理论的繁荣是太极拳发展深厚的物质基础;政府的大力支持与推广是太极拳发展的外部保证;竞赛交流活动的开展是太极拳发展的根本动力;独特的社会功能是太极拳发展的潜在动力。
英文: COMPOSITION: Bovine Meat and Bone Meal – Produced from the solid material left over after the dehydration of the offal and removal of the fat.
中文: 合成过程:牛肉及牛骨粉–由脱水去脂后的动物的固体残余物制成。
英文: COMPOSITION: Ovine Meat and Bone Meal – Produced from the solid material left over after the dehydration of the offal and removal of the fat.
中文: 合成方式:绵羊肉骨粉–由脱水去脂后的动物的固体残余物制成。
英文: The principle of the ultrasonic method applied to measure elastic coefficient is by measuring the velocity of ultrasonic wave propagation in the solid material to obtain the elastic module, shear modulus and poisson ratio.
中文: 摘要弹性系数的超声检测,即借助固体弹性常数与超声波波速间的固有关系,通过测量纵波及横波在固体中的传播速度来获取材料的弹性模量、剪切模量及泊松比。
英文: The surface charge of a solid material influences the interaction with its surroundings, which makes this property decisive for many applications in technical fields and life sciences.
中文: 固体材料表面电荷影响着它与环境之间的互相作用,从而使其性质在技术领域和生命科学的许多应用具有决定意义。