英文: In communications, the frequency range of the information bearing signals prior to combination with carrier wave by modulation.
中文: 在通信技术中,未经调制使之和载波结合之前,携带信息的信号所占有的频率范围。
英文: This frequency range is proximate to main vibration frequency of the traction machine at rated speed, and, according to this, measures against elevator resonance are proposed.
中文: 并针对该频率区与曳引机主机额定转速-主振频率接近的特点,提出了防止电梯发生系统共振的措施。
英文: This is necessary because returning echoes are Doppler-shifted to different frequencies—depending on the speed of the bat and its target, usually an unfortunate insect—and often fall outside the frequency range of the acoustic fovea.
中文: 这种功能想必很重要,因为回声会因都卜勒频移而改变频率(改变程度视蝙蝠自己与目标物的移动速度而定,目标通常是只倒楣的昆虫),改变后的频率往往落到听觉中央窝的敏感範围之外。
英文: It covers frequency range 0.~0 kHz.
中文: 频率覆盖范围0.~0 kHz.
英文: The antenna impedance bandwidth covers the .~0. GHz frequency range and effectively eliminates the .~(. ) GHz WLAN range.
中文: 实验结果表明,该天线阻抗频带覆盖了 .-0. GHz的频率范围,并有效地阻隔了.-. GHz的WLAN频段.