英文: In this way, my biographical experiences are ongoingly subsumed under general orders of meaning that are both objectively and subjectively real.
中文: 这样的话,我的传记性经验是持续地以意义的一般规定被归纳的,这些规定同时是客体和主体上真实的。
英文: The function of legitimation is to make objectively available and subjectively plausible the 'first-order' objectivation that have been institutionalized.
中文: 正当化的功能是为了使已经制度化的「第一顺位的」客体化在客观上有效,并在主观上可信。
英文: Although activating events often seem to directly cause or contribute to emotional consequences, Ellis argues that people largely bring their beliefs to situations, and subjectively interpret or perceive events in light of their beliefs and expectations.
中文: 虽然引发事件很多时彷佛是导致情绪的直接主因,但艾里斯却提出个体往往带著自己的信念及期望,对事物作出主观的理解及分析。
英文: Everyday life presents itself as a reality interpreted by men and subjectively meaningful to them as a coherent world.
中文: 人们解释实在,以及主观地将实在视为对人们有意义、一致的世界,日常生活以上述解释实在的方式表现其自身。
英文: In lots of situations, When I confronted difficulties, and subjectively thought that would not be overcame, I dropped out and gave up easily.
中文: 许多时候,在遇到困难的时候,当我主观地认为无法克服时,我就轻易地退出放弃了.