英文: A new line of articulating surgical tools for laparoscopy allows full mobility and tactile feedback inside the abdominal cavity without the cost and set-up time of robotic surgical systems.
中文: 一系列关节连接的用于腹腔镜操作的手术工具,能够确保操作的灵活性以及腹腔内的接触反馈,而无需机器手术系统的开支和安装时间。
英文: Hernias that occur within the abdominal cavity due to defects of the broad ligament of the uterus are very rare with less than 70 cases being reported in the literature.
中文: 因为子宫宽韧带缺陷而造成腹内赫尼亚是极罕见的病例,至今全世界文献的报告不超过70例。
英文: Other vital organs inside the abdominal cavity include the liver , the kidneys , the pancreas and the spleen .
中文: 其他的重要器官还包括肝脏、肾脏、胰脏以及脾脏。
英文: The condition is a painful and potentially fatal inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity often caused by infection in an organ.
中文: 腹膜炎往往由器官感染引起,是一种十分疼痛,甚至致命的腹膜炎症。
英文: There is also a tendency, however, to accumulate visceralfat -- fat within the abdominal cavity -- and this fat seems to be really bad for us, because it promotes the progressive loss of our ability to respond to nutrients coming in from the stomach.
中文: 然而,也有一种倾向性:积累内脏的脂肪?腹腔内的脂肪?这种脂肪似乎对我们坏到了家,因为它促进我们累进性丧失对来自胃肠营养的反应能力。