英文: Yes,she said, and she began to giggle again, sheepishly, and with a pretense of being coy.
中文: “是埃”说着她又傻笑开了,很忸怩,作出一副害羞的样子。
英文: After all, I give many Taiwanese people the chance to giggle at my own mistakes in Chinese.
中文: 毕竟我自己使用中文时所犯的错误也让很多台湾人觉得好笑。
英文: Be it a slew of good jokes, a slapstick comedy or laughing yoga, find something to give you a good hearty laugh that brings tears to the eyes or a giggle fit that makes the sides of your body ache.
中文: 不管是一大堆笑话、闹剧或者是让人发笑的瑜伽,寻一些让你带着泪水发出开怀大笑,或者一个让你咯咯笑的全身酸痛的东西。
英文: Besides, it ain't the giggle it used to be.
中文: 除此之外,它不再是过去傻乎乎大笑的它。
英文: Courage is suddenly remembering a silly joke and trying not to giggle when everyone else is being especially serious.
中文: 勇气,是当大家都一本正经时,你突然想起一个超级大笑话,却能忍住,不咯咯笑出声。