英文: The abductor has been profiled as someone who had a child die recently or as someone who could not have children, told people she was pregnant and needed to steal a child so her lie would not be found out.
中文: 绑架者被认为是某位近期刚刚失去自己的孩子或者不能怀孩子的妇女,她告诉人们她怀孕了,为此她需要偷一个孩子来自圆其说。
英文: Applied Anatomy of the Abductor Digiti Minimi Muscle Flap
中文: 小指展肌瓣的应用解剖学
英文: Clinical treatment of 0 cases ofheel pain reveals that the nerve ofabductor digiti quinti is closely rela-ted with heel pain.
中文: 临床治疗 0例跟痛症的实践证明,“小趾展肌神经”与跟痛症有明确的关系。
英文: The exit out of supinator was muscular membranous and tedious in .%,0%,7.%,respectively. The distance from outing of supinator exit to the superior border of the abductor policies longus were(. ±0.8)mm.
中文: 出口位于拇长展肌上缘上方(. ±0.8)mm,宽度(.9±0.)mm,肌性结构占.%(例),腱性结构占0%(例),膜性结构占7.%( 例)。
英文: The nerves of abductor digiti quinti the treatment of heel pain
中文: 小趾展肌神经与跟痛症的关系及治疗