The neovascularization could be seen in 7% of the rats in the study group and nought in the control group.
实验组中 , .7%的鼠视网膜发现新生血管 ,而对照组未发现。 |
The neritic euryhaline species were dominant. The average biomass(wet weight)and density were8.0 g/m~ and ind.
平均生物量和栖息密度分别为8.0 g/m~和 个/m~,以甲壳动物占优势; |
The nerve branches to the long,lateral and medial heads of triceps brachii were respectively . ± .8mm , .±.7mm and .±.7mm in the length of attraumatic detachment;
外侧头肌支无损伤分离长度为.±.7mm,横径为0.9±0.mm,纤维数为 ± 0根; |
The nerve branches to the long,the medial and the later-al heads of triceps brachii are respectively 0.8±0.mm,0.9±0.mm and 0.9±0.mm in diame-ter;
长头肌支平均横径0.8±0.mm,可分离长度.9±0.mm,纤维数 ±0根,均为运动神经; |
The nerve-related arterial trunks were divided into threesegments based on their relationship to the nerves and the meatus: the premeatal,meatal, the postmeatal segments.
多数为一支( 侧,90%), 二支有侧(0%),依据其与面神经和内听道的关系,小脑前下动脉分为三段:内听道前段、内听道段、内听道后段,内听道前段多位于面神经前下方,内听道段及内听道后段多位于神经的下方。 |
The nerves of abductor digiti quinti the treatment of heel pain
小趾展肌神经与跟痛症的关系及治疗 |
The nervus and vascular injuries recovered.
桡神经损伤 例; 正中神经损伤例。 |
The nervus intermedius may be classified into six types (A, B, C, D, E, F).
中间神经可分为A、B、C、D、E、F 型。 |
The new cryptosystem overcomes the weakness of Goldwasser's probabilistic encryption,which may be attacked by active tapper and has no digital signatULre. The new cryptosystem makes probabilistic encryption more perfect.
新体制克服了Goldwasser的概率加密体制可被系统内主动窃听者破译和不具备数字签名的弱点,使概率加密体制更加完善。 |
The new era summons these teachers with innovative education quality.
新的时代呼唤具备创新教育素质的教师。 |
The new generation of farmer gave up the madrigal affective tone village vainly hope for that, their village emotion and loved the earth consciousness to desalinate without doubt.
新一代的农民放弃了牧歌情调的乡村梦想,他们的乡村情感和恋土意识无疑在淡化。 |