英文: Conclusions The internal fixator must meet the needs of maintaining bone-healing and keeping fracture position stable when operation was made about femoral trochanteric fractures in the elderly, meanwhile the general conditions of the aged must be paid at
中文: 结论老年股骨粗隆部骨折的手术方法应根据内固定能满足维持骨愈合和提供骨折部位所必须的稳定的要求来选择,同时应考虑到老年患者的身体状况。
英文: Make an incision of the desired length over the lateral aspect of the thigh along a line from the greater trochanter to the lateral femoral condyle (Fig. 1-58, A).
中文: 手术方法:在大腿外侧面沿大转子与股骨外侧照连线作适当长度的皮肤切口(图1-58。
英文: Methods A retrospective analysis of 184 elderly cases of femoral trochanteric fractures in four different operative ways was conducted.
中文: 方法对184例老年股骨粗隆部骨折采用4种不同手术方式,对其疗效进行分析讨论。
英文: Objective To discuss the suitable operative method for femoral trochanteric fractures in the elderly.
中文: 摘要目的探讨老年人股骨粗隆部骨折适宜的手术方式。