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administrative law

行政法\n【经】 行政管理法, 行政法

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英文: Administrative law is the general term of all legal norms and principles that regulates the different kinds of social relatio occurring in the course of implementation of administrative power by administrative subject.

中文: 行政法则是调整因行政主体行使行政职权而发生的各种社会关系的法律规范和原则的总称。        更详细...
英文: Administrative law is the general term of all legal norms and principles that regulates the different kinds of social relations occurring in the course of implementation of administrative power by administrative subject.

中文: 行政法则是调整因行政主体行使行政职权而发生的各种社会关系的法律规范和原则的总称。        更详细...
英文: Article 16 The preceding article is applicable mutatis mutandis to acts in breach of duty under administrative law committed by any unincorporated body having a representative or manager or of other private law organizations other than juristic persons.

中文: 第16条前条之规定,于设有代表人或管理人之非法人团体,或法人以外之其他私法组织,违反行政法上义务者,准用之。        更详细...
英文: Article 17 An act committed by a central or local government agency or any other organization existing under public law in breach of its duty under administrative law is punishable as prescribed by the law or self-governing ordinance applicable to such du

中文: 第16条前条之规定,于设有代表人或管理人之非法人团体,或法人以外之其他私法组织,违反行政法上义务者,准用之。        更详细...
英文: Article 19 Penalty for an act in breach of duty under administrative law which is punishable by a maximum statutory fine of three thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NT$3,000) may be remitted if the act was committed in a trivial circumstance for which it is con

中文: 第19条违反行政法上义务应受法定最高额新台币三千元以下罚锾之处罚,其情节轻微,认以不处罚为适当者,得免予处罚。        更详细...

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