英文: The Bureau of Labor Affairs is very supportive, and we are very competitive when it comes to applying for funds for our protected employment services.
中文: 爱恒启能发展中心主任戴耀赛表示,劳工局非常支持,要申请庇护性就业服务当中,是很竞争的。
英文: This is a throwback to employment practice which is outdated and we cannot just stand still,he added in a statement.
中文: 拉奇在一份声明中补充说:“这种不正常的现象完全应该归因于早已跟不上时代潮流的现行就业体制,而我们对此绝不能视而不见。”
英文: We continue to have good employment and reasonable wages without thus far pushing the inflationary envelope on that front,Fisher elaborated.
中文: 费舍尔指出:尽管通货膨胀仍是我们首要关注的重点,我们将继续有很好的就业形势及合理的薪资。
英文: what about getting some of these people on unemployment benefit cleaning the litter up?
中文: “让领取失业救济的人来清理垃圾如何?”
英文: A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman says the government is standing firm in its fight against the infringement of labour rights, particularly the illegal employment of child labourers.
中文: 中国外交部发言人秦刚表示,中国政府在针对劳工侵权的打击中绝不手软,特别是童工的非法使用。