英文: Qingming Riverside Seeneis the immortal classic was drawn by Mr.Zhangzeduan.a famous painter inNorthern Song Dynasty,It is the priceless treasure in Chinese Painting history.It is a long papergenre Painting created with a realistic sleight of hand.Paintin
中文: 《清明上河图》是北宋著名画家张择端绘制的不朽杰作,贵为我国绘画史上的无价之宝,它是一幅用高度现实主义手法创作的长卷风俗画.这幅长卷为绢本,淡着色:画幅高24.8厘米、长528.7厘米、它通过对市俗生活的细致描绘、生动地再现了北宋汴京升平时期繁荣景象。
英文: Because it relies on Japanese skill and modern compositon too much, modern rock painting brushwork lacks Chinese painting spirit so as to restrict its further development in China.
中文: 摘要现代岩彩画由于太倚依赖重来自日本的技法和现代构成而缺乏中国绘画精神,也因此阻碍其在国内的进一步发展。
英文: Chinese traditional Chinese Painting house association director, association of Sichuan Province artist member, expert of calligraphy and painting of Sichuan great wave international member , association of artistic exchange ,, association's advisor of So
中文: 中国国画家协会理事,四川省美术家协会会员,四川涛书画家国际艺术交流协会会员,西南交通大学书画协会顾问,山东荷泽文博书画院高级画师,成都堂湖国院副秘书长,南京徐悲鸿画院特聘画师,擅写意花鸟画,兼攻山水及书法,作品多次参加国内外展览并有获奖。
英文: Contemporary Chinese Painting Art Show, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
中文: 2001年中国现代绘画艺术展(巴西圣保罗)。
英文: In recent years, Chinese painting and calligraphy feature postcolonial tendencies, i. e. emphasizing ugliness than awkwardness, strangeness than fickleness, dirtiness than thickness, terseness than emptiness, sameness than unusualness, etc.
中文: 摘要近年来,中国书画艺术中出现了一种后殖民主义倾向,它具有以丑偷换拙的概念,以怪偷换变的概念,以脏偷换厚的概念,以“简”偷换空灵的概念,以模式偷换风格的概念等等一系列特征。