英文: However, since there is only one signifier of sexuality (the phallus), the Other signifier of the signifying chain must represent the absence of the phallus ( castration).
中文: 可是,既然性的符号具只有阳具,其他的符号链的它者符号具就必须代表阳具的缺乏(去势)。
英文: In this sense, the affirmation of the presence of the phallus is tied to the possibility of its absence.
中文: 就这个意义来说,阳具存在的肯定与缺乏的可能性密切相关。
英文: Isis gathers up 12 of the pieces, creating a new phallus from clay, and brings Osiris back to life in the child Horus.
中文: 伊希斯收集了12块碎片,从粘土中创造了新的阴茎,把欧西里斯的生命带回到孩子荷露斯里面。
英文: Like thallose liverworts, the hornworts have an alternation of generations in which the gametophyte is a dorsiventral flattened green phallus and the saprophyte is an upright structure that has a foot embedded in the gametophytes, from which it draws nutr
中文: 与叶状体植物地钱一样,角苔具有明显的世代交替,,配子体在世代交替中占优势,孢子体占劣势且利用其基足插入配子体的组织中吸取养料,以供孢子体生长。
英文: Elephant-foot yan, Konjac is a perennial herbaceous plant of Amorphophallus Blume, Araceae, Monocotyledoeae, and is mainly distributed in India, Chinasouth Africa peninsula, and southern China of Asia and Southeast Asia.
中文: 魔芋(Elephant-foot yan,Konjac)别名磨芋、蒟蒻,是单子叶植物纲(Monocotyledoeae)天南星科(Araceae)魔芋属(Amorphophallus Blume)多年生草本植物,主要分布于亚洲印度、中南半岛和云南为主的中国南部及东南亚。