英文: Article 4 The investment promotion ambassadors refer to personages from all walks of life both at home and abroad, who are active in the city's investment promotion and capital introduction, familiar with international capital operation and have some rela
中文: 第四条招商大使是指为推进全球招商引资规划的实施,由本市人民政府在全球范围内聘请的对本市招商引资工作有积极性、熟悉国际资本运作、与国外企业界有一定联系的境内外各界人士。
英文: Shinetty wine utensil Co., LTD has made 3-year-development plan 5-year-plan and 10-year-plan. It will soon complete the capital operation for a stock company and step into international famous brand line.
中文: 森帝酒具有限公司设定了三年、五年、十年的发展规划,将逐步完成上市公司的资本运营、早日跨入国际知名品牌的行列。
英文: The excellent team of Huarongshengda Corp. will build up the core competency centering around industry research and strategic planning, capital operation and industrial consolidation and the enterprise culture that integrates different cultures, promotes
中文: 华融盛大的优秀团队会在经营实践中炼就以产业研究与战略规划、资本运作与行业整合为主导的企业核心能力,形成了融合不同文化、崇尚个性与创新、提倡团队合作、不为繁文缛节束缚的企业文化氛围。
英文: We must give play to the role of venture capital and develop a mechanism of capital operation and human capital pooling for promoting scientific and technological innovation and start-ups.
中文: 发挥风险投资的作用,形成促进科技创新和创业的资本运作和人才汇集机制。