英文: Few expect Mr Chen to capitulate readily to the demands of the demonstrators, who are led by Shih Ming-teh, a former chairman of Mr Chen's own Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and a long-time critic of the president.
中文: 虽然没人认为陈水扁会积极回应示威者的要求,但陈的长期批评者、民进党前主席施明德,仍领导着这些示威者要求陈水扁马上下台。
英文: Let me just recapitulate (on) what we've agreed so far.
中文: 让我仅扼要重述一下到目前为止我们已取得的一致意见.
英文: Sometimes the problem isn't faulty data. We have an accurate picture of ourselves or a situation, but we capitulate the first time someone challenge us.
中文: 有时候,错误的信息不是问题,而是我们对自己或处境要有一个正确的判断.但是,别人一旦质疑,我们就屈从了.
英文: We all have a destiny that is born to be irreversible, just as defined in Wuji, and everyone is compelled to succumb to its dominance, but that does not necessarily mean that we are destined to be pessimists and capitulate unconditionally.
中文: 译文:正如《无极》的诠释,我们每个人都有着不可逆转的命运,而且每个人都不能摆脱其束缚,但是这并不意味着我们就注定成为悲观者而且无条件地认命。
英文: What is the subject matter? Recapitulate from last time: What does it mean to study Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities?
中文: 2这个主题有何重要性?上节课的概括:研究克理奥尔语言和加勒比海身分认同的意义为何?