英文: It's a heads-up in advance so that people can be properly be prepared for this event.said Vernon Kousky of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center.
中文: 这叫未雨绸缪,这样人们可以对厄尔尼诺做好适当的防备。国家海洋大气管理局气象预报中心的VernonKousky说。
英文: A contractual joint venture shall, upon the expiration or termination in advance of its term, cancel its registration with the administrative authorities for industry and commerce and the tax authorities.
中文: 合作企业期满或者提前终止,应当向工商行政管理机关和税务机关办理注销登记手续。
英文: A foreign teacher, who intends to have a tour, visit or sight-seeing during festivals or holidays, must inform a month in advance the Foreign Affairs Division of his/her plan and the travel route and place thereof.
中文: 十八、外教利用节假日外出旅游和参观、游览,须提前一个月向外事处提出,并报告旅游路线、地点。
英文: A position on an enemy shoreline captured by troops in advance of an invading force.
中文: 滩头堡,登陆场在侵略部队之前军队占领的敌方海岸线上的一个位置
英文: A team from the University of Wollongong compared people who paid for a year's gym membership in advance to those who signed a contract but paid by fortnightly salary deductions.
中文: 伍伦贡大学的一个研究小组对两类健身会员进行了比较,一类是提前支付一年费用的会员,另一类则是办了一年制会员卡但可每两周分期付款的人。