英文: A multinational should not hide from us but come out and handle this properly,she said.
中文: “跨国公司不应该回避消费者,它应该站出来,合理恰当地解决问题。”
英文: But when you have giga - or terabytes of data, you can't get a handle on it the same way. Now computation and theory come into play,she said.
中文: 为美国威斯康辛基因研究中心数学家克莉丝汀海契说:「以往生物学家做研究时多半很贴近数据和资料,因而偶有意外的收获,如发现盘尼西林或电灯泡」。
英文: Have you ever been asked to do something unethical? If yes, how did you handle it?
中文: 曾经有人要求你去做一些不道德的事情吗?如果有,你是怎么处理的呢?
英文: Honey, please don't fly off the handle -- I had a little accident with the car, but it certainly wasn't my fault.
中文: 她说:“亲爱的,你可别发火。我出了一点小车祸,但是那绝不是我的错。”
英文: I don't have any hang-ups about it being Bergkamp's shirt, I an handle what comes with it, the history and the goals.
中文: “对于身披博格坎普曾经的球衣我没有任何障碍,我能够感受到,他的历史和进球。