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negative transfer


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英文: By employing the method of experimental phonetics and contrasting the different patterns of French vowel and Chinese vowel, the paper aims to explore French students' positive and negative transfer of French language in acquiring Chinese vowels, so as to

中文: 摘要本文采用语音实验的方法,以对汉语和法语元音格局的分析为基础,通过对比法国学生汉语元音的发音和中国学生汉语元音的发音,考察法国学生汉语学习中母语法语的正、负迁移在汉语元音学习上的表现,以便为纠正和克服不正确的发音提供可靠的实验依据。        更详细...
英文: Four types of punctuation errors are listed as follows: 1) errors caused by negative transfer from the native language; 2) errors related to syntactic-semantic structures; 3) errors with regard to lexical-semantic structures, and 4) errors resulting from

中文: 文章通过归因分类和例证分析了中国学生在英语写作中出现的四类标点符号错误:1)来自汉语负迁移的英文标点符号错误;2)与英语句法语义结构有关的标点符号错误;3)与词汇语义结构相关的标点符号错误;4)语体错位造成的标点符号错误。        更详细...
英文: The negative transfer of interlanguage in Mandarin is the influence of dialectical culture, dialectical attitude and dialectical code-switching.

中文: 而普通话中介语的负迁移主要来自于方言文化、方言态度以及方言语码转换等方面的影响。        更详细...
英文: This paper firstly dwells on the negative transfer of L1 in L2 acquisition at different levels, then puts forward the idea that L1 transfer could be regarded as learning strategy and communication strategy, finally gives some implications for second langu

中文: 本文分析了外语学习各个层面上出现的母语负迁移现象,提出了对待母语负迁移的认识,即负迁移可以作为学习和交际策略,并对外语教学提出了一些建议。        更详细...
英文: Through an introduction to the classification and genesis of interlanguage fossilization, this paper mainly analyzes the effects of negative transfer of mother tongue upon fossilization from three layers of phonology, vocabulary and syntax and points out

中文: 通过介绍中介语石化现象的分类和形成的原因,从语音、词汇、和句法三个层次重点分析母语负迁移对石化现象的影响,指出石化现象阻碍了外语学习者外语水平的进一步提高。        更详细...

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