英文: A respiratory infection often causing chronic eye infections that are unresponsive to treatment. Vaccinate every for prevention.
中文: 一种呼吸系统传染疾病,可导致长期眼睛感染而对治疗无效的情况。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。
英文: A severe diarrhea disease causing damage to bone marrow and immune suppression. Fatal in up to 50% cases. Vaccinate every year for prevention.
中文: 一种严重的疾病,可导至骨髓破坏及免疫力下降,死亡率为百份之五十。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。
英文: A severe inflection causing mouth ulceration, pneumonia and high fever. Vaccinate every year for prevention.
中文: 一种严重的传染病,可导至口腔溃烂、肺炎及高烧。预防方法:每年准行防疫注射。
英文: Although we often vaccinate for Coronavirus, we do so out of habit referring back to a time when we did not realize how benign Coronavirus diarrhea actually was.
中文: 虽然我们经常对冠状病毒进行免疫,我们也不知道光状病毒的腹泻怎么发生的。
英文: BEIJING (AP) -- The Humane Society on Wednesday said it will give China $100,000 to vaccinate dogs against rabies if it promises to immediately stop their mass slaughter in areas where humans have died from the disease.
中文: 北京(AP)--在星期三人道社会说它将给中国$100,000接种狗反对狂犬病,如果它在区域许诺立刻停止他们的许多屠杀,人死了于疾病。