英文: A: so an open mind can help to prevent culture shock?
中文: 是否说没有偏见有助于避免因文化差异引起的不适呢?
英文: As the leader of the meeting, you need to keep an open mind and make sure everyone feels welcome to contribute and express ideas without criticism.
中文: 作为会议主持人,你需要思想开阔,无偏袒之心,确保每位与会者都能感到,表达自己的想法是受欢迎的,不会受到别人非难。
英文: B: NO,i was quite familiar with western culture before i left home,and i have kept an open mind about things.
中文: 没有,我出国前就比较熟悉西方文化,而且我是个没有任何偏见的人。
英文: Be open-mind - A good Team Leader always keeps an open mind to new approaches, new ideas, new or different ways of working.
中文: 开放式理念----出色的团队领导者总会将开放的理念运用于各种新方法,新观点,及独具创新的工作方式中。
英文: Diplomacy is telling someone he has an open mind when you really believe he has a hole in his head.
中文: 外交手腕就是:当你觉得某人脑袋空空时,你却告诉他,他是心胸开放的人。