英文: Now traders will be able to trade futures in corn, wheat, soybeans, soybean oil, soybean meal and rough rice by computer.
中文: 如今贸易商将可以使用计算机交易玉米,小麦,大豆,大豆油,大豆粉,大米。
英文: Taking Chinese only feed industrial Futures-Soybean Meal Futures in Dalian Commodity Exchange as examples, this article examines the dynamic relationship between the prices of spot and futures, and discloses the role of futures market plays in price disco
中文: 摘要本文借助向量自回归模型、协整检验、误差修正模型、方差分解、脉冲响应函数等方法,以中国唯一的饲料工业期货―大连商品交易所豆粕期货品种为例,研究了期货价格与现货价格之问的动态关系,定量刻画了期货市场在价格发现中的作用。
英文: The digestion of the stabilized phytase was detected in vitro, and the result showed that the quantity of amino acid, trace element, phosphorus in dialysis liquid of digested corn-soybean meal diet of 21 days broiler with stabilized phytase were higher 13
中文: 摘要研究了包被植酸酶在21日龄肉鸡体外模拟消化系统中,对氨基酸消化率、微量元素消化率和磷的消化率的影响,通过对比研究发现,消化系统中添加包被植酸酶,氨基酸消化率、微量元素消化率和磷的消化率分别较添加未包被植酸酶的提高13.6%、32.6%、12.0%,较未添加植酸酶的分别提高30.6%、66.8%和26.4%。
英文: The results from this research suggest that the spot and futures prices of soybean meal are cointegrated, and there is a feedback between spot and futures prices, and futures market plays more important role in price discovery.
中文: 研究结果显示:豆粕期货价格与现货价格存在相互引导关系,并且期货与现货价格之间存在长期均衡关系,对豆粕期货来说,期货市场在价格发现功能中起到主导作用。
英文: The optimum ratios of lysine:sulfur amino acids(methionine and cystine):threonine:tryptophane in the diets kept consisted of corn,soybean meal and peanut meal were 00:::0 as total amino acids for ~0kg body weight piglets .
中文: 以玉米、豆粕、花生粕为主要原料的~0kg体重仔猪日粮,适宜的必需氨基酸比例(总氨基酸为基础)估计为:赖/含硫/苏/色=00:::0。