*[,ri:'ɒ:gәnaiz]\nvt. 改组, 再编制, 改造\nvi. 改组, 再编制, 改造
英文: About this conference, however, there are a few study problems needing reconsidering: the resolution to reorganize the Red Army was made not in Zunyi but in Zhaxi Conference; CPC's Resolution on Campaigns against Enemy's Five-Times' Encirclements was endo
中文: 这些问题,有些一时难以得出确切结论,如关于当时中共中央政治局内是否设有常委、张闻天是“总负责”还是任中央书记处“总书记”的问题;有些问题虽然存在各种说法,但却可以根据文献和史实,得出统一的结论,这就是:对红军进行整编是扎西会议作出的决定,而不是遵义会议作出的决定,整编工作是在扎西会议后进行的;《关于反对敌人五次“围剿”的总结的决议》是在2月8日的扎西会议上通过的,这个决议也不能简称为《遵义会议决议》。
英文: Article 7 If a state-owned enterprise is to be reorganized into a company, it must, in accordance with the conditions and requirements prescribed by national statutes and administrative regulations, change its operating mechanism, and orderly identify and
中文: 第七条:国有企业改建为公司,必须依照法律、行政法规规定的条件和要求,转换经营机制,有步骤地清产核资,界定产权,清理债权债务,评估资产,建立规范的内部管理机构。
英文: At first, the data surface is partitioned into small blocks, and points in each block are reorganized into error-controlled LODs by hierarchical clustering and LOD organization.
中文: 首先对输入模型进行分块处理,获取的每一分块分别建立误差控制下的多分辨率数据结构。
英文: Concentrate and reorganize the advantage resources , fully develop own abundant management and marketing ability, strengthen our leading industries, gradually develops the new profit growth spot.
中文: 集中和整合资源优势,充分发挥自身雄厚的管理和营销能力,做强主导行业,逐步开拓新的利润增长点。
英文: Enterprise legal persons that are under any of the circumstances hereabove, or are apparently losing their possible repayment abilities, shall be reorganized pursuant to the provisions hereunder.
中文: 企业法人有前款规定情形,或者有明显丧失清偿能力可能的,可以依照本法规定进行重整。