英文: A Study of the Huangmei Opera Film Genreis a doctoral research project which comprises a documentary series and academic writing in order to advance a film research mode grounded in practitioner research, where the activity of filmmaking and the study of
中文: 摘要「黄梅调电影探索」是一个包含多部纪录片制作系列及研究论文的博士专题,其目的是在建立一个新的研究模式,在这模式中电影创作及电影理论互相辉映及印证,本篇文章便是研究论文中的其中一篇。
英文: Americans experience insufficient sleep and corpulent bodies. Clinicians are aware of the burden of obesity on patients,the study said.
中文: 该研究指出:“美国人普遍睡眠不足﹑体型超标。医生们已经认识到肥胖给病人带来的负担。”
英文: Based on our study findings, it would be premature to make recommendations to pregnant women about night work.” Dr Lisa Pompeii, who led the research said.
中文: 主导研究的丽莎.庞培博士说:「根据我们的研究成果,要对孕妇夜间工作提出任何建议还言之过早。」
英文: I think the results of this study are quite reassuring,Joachim Schuz of the Danish Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Copenhagen, said.
中文: 丹麦哥本哈根癌症流行病学研究院的乔奇姆舒茨说道:“我认为这项研究的结果让人们非常放心。”
英文: I wish Sam would study harder, because I am breaking my neck to scrape up the money to keep him in college.
中文: 这位爸爸说:我希望萨姆在念书方面再用功一些,因为我一直在想尽一切办法来凑足了钱好让他继续念大学。