英文: I checked the messages in your mobile phone,admitted the wife calmly.
中文: 我查看了你的手机信息,妻子平静地承认.
英文: In the passages that may express more pathos than analytical understanding, Simmel sees modern man as surrounded by a world of objects that constrain and dominate his needs and desires.
中文: 读到这里的时候我就想我每天在电脑前耗费的那些时光,看着不知所谓的网站,听着虽然不错也没什么意义的音乐,看看无聊的杂志。
英文: A bank assumes no liability or responsibility for the consequences arising out of delay, loss in transit, mutilation or other errors arising in the transmission of any messages or delivery of letters or documents, when such messages, letters or documents
中文: 当报文、信件或单据按照信用证的要求传输或发送时,或当信用证未作指示,银行自行选择传送服务时,银行对报文传输或信件或单据的递送过程中发生的延误、中途遗失、残缺或其他错误产生的后果,概不负责。
英文: A facility provided in dialog control. Messages are grouped into chains for error recovery and other purposes.
中文: 由对话控制提供的一种功能。为进行差错校正和其它目的,把信息分组后放入链中。
英文: A holistic body massages using essential oils to harmonize the body, mind and spirit. The course teaches the massage technique, benefits, contra-indication and simple blending technique.
中文: 教授全身按摩技巧、效益、禁忌,及如何配合精华油按摩身体,以消除紧张压力、平衡身心。