英文: Colloidal oatmeal is known to reduce dry skin through its moisturizing qualities and it also serves as a protectant.
中文: 胶态燕麦片,它的滋润性可以减少皮肤的干燥,而且它可以作用一种皮肤的保护剂。
英文: Massage in circular motion onto dry skin starting from the feet and moving upwards towards the heart. Rinse off or soak in the tub.
中文: 一次过清除死皮、角质层及同时滋润皮肤,使肌肤柔软润滑,特别适合双手,足部及乾燥位置。可由下而上温和打圈按摩以促进血液循环。
英文: No more worry for dry skin when change season. Herbal help you keep moisture as soft skin with rosemary, Gardenia flavors.
中文: 栀子花草本精华有滋润皮肤、保湿的功效,乾燥皮肤无需再担心转季时出现的皮肤问题了!
英文: Suitable for dry skin and babies.
中文: 适合乾性和婴儿皮肤。
英文: side effect cause by topical antifungal drugs is redness at the place where you applied, some side effects can be more serious like severe itching, blistering, swelling, changes in hair texture, blisters on scalp, dry skin or oozing at the place where you
中文: 抗菌药物造成的副作用是局部红肿适用于你的地方,一些较为严重的副作用,可像严重发痒、起泡、肿胀、质地改变头发、头皮水泡、皮肤干燥或渗血的地方,你也可以应用于药品生产的变色或变皮肤.