英文: New V-Twist collagen technology is designed to increased arteriotomy coverage and enhance conformability to the artery.
中文: 新的V-绞合胶原技术是设计用来增加对动脉切开部位的覆盖和增强与动脉的一致性。
英文: Position of upper clip and angle of working table all can be adjusted flexibly,which enhance the conformability for sawing plate.
中文: 上卡头位置,工作台角度都可灵活调节定位,使锯板适应性更强。
英文: The Lower Carboniferous strata outcropped in the most of Tianshan mountains in China, and most of them are in contact with underlying strata by unconformability of dip, such as Dahalaijunshan Formation in west, which belongs to north Tianshan tectonics, M
中文: 摘要新疆天山地区下石炭统出露广泛且与下伏地层多呈角度不整合接触,如西部北天山的大哈拉军山组,中部中天山的马鞍桥组及东部南天山的甘草湖组均与下伏地层呈角度不整合接触。
英文: It consisted of redness, putrescence, burning pain, heat, tickle, numbness papules, macules, maculopapules, urticaria and plaques on local area. Some cases complained of general unconformability (7.%), fantod ( .7%) and swelling of lymph nodes (.8).
中文: 果自愿者皮肤被幼虫触刺后,表现为红、肿、痛、热,烧灼、麻木感,继而呈现丘疹、斑丘疹、斑块、风团块,部分病例出现周身不适7.%,烦燥 .7%,腋下淋巴结肿大.8%。 豚鼠皮疹病理切片见表皮水疱、脓疱改变。
英文: Erythrocyte membrane Na-pumping K~+-pNPPase activity and red cell deformability in diabetes mellitus
中文: 糖尿病红细胞膜钠泵K~(+)-pNPPase活性与红细胞变形能力的关系