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A 55 year old man, smoker and H/O hypertension presents with a 2 hour history of central chest pain and shortness of breath, sweaty.

英文: Best mediocrity Nobel Prize for Literature: Nicaragua wins Nobel Institute Jury felt that the history of mankind has not been a blog within the article so mediocre it can within 100 days over 10 million hits, while Chinese netizens for wins in the African

中文: 尼加拉瓜诺贝尔协会评审团认为,人类历史上还没有一个博客内的文章如此平庸却能在百日之内点击量过千万,另外,中国网民已为徐静蕾在非洲商标专利局注册通过了“徐千万”商标专利并获准使用。        更详细...
英文: Comb China history of art , pass on the older generation artist whether nine square world join in artistic original intention of cause , the pot becomes the artistic association and passes the commercial popularization activity of various kinds of arts, i

中文: “梳理中国美术史,传承前辈艺术家”是九方国际投身艺术事业的初衷,鼎成艺术会馆通过各种艺术商业推广活动,国际博览会以及为艺术家与各地美术馆、画廊、企业举办展览等方式,积极将优秀作品及代理画家、会员画家的作品推广给消费者和收藏群体,除了前辈艺术家更有会馆拥有的大批当代艺术家作为会馆的会员画家群体,可以说是集成了以往的艺术网络资源,发掘及推广艺术精品,及规划艺术项目,矢志打造出一个“鼎成”艺术领域的新天地。        更详细...
英文: However, if this proves to be a momentary flash in a long history of neglect, then Hollywood has failed to learn the real meaning of equality.

中文: 这两部电影都十分直白,对白低俗,而且充斥着暴力镜头。这样的主题是《乱世佳人》那个时代,甚至随后的二三十年之内的影片所不可能表达的。        更详细...
英文: Less reverential than razzle-dazzlin', more an episode in the history of show business than a religious epiphany.

中文: 耶稣受难记>)比混乱不堪还缺乏让人尊敬之处,和宗教主显节相比倒更像是历史舞台秀中的一场。        更详细...
英文: Medicine under Colonialism: A Case Study of Taiwan, The 9th International Conference on the History of science in East Asia (ICHSEA), Singapore.

中文: 日治时期台湾地区的流行病转型及其成因初探>,「疾病」的历史研讨会,中央研究院历史语言研究所,台北,台湾。        更详细...

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