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filter material


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英文: Bag dust separator depends on knit of strain cloth as filter material to come achieve purpose which separating containing powder from the dust .

中文: 袋式除尘器是依靠编织的毡织滤布作为过滤材料来达到分离含尘气体中粉类的目的。        更详细...
英文: So far as the mixing material for building the earth-rock fill dam with clay core for Shiquanhe Hydropower Station is concerned, the effect from the variation of the sand content for the filter material on the maximum dry density and the relevant paramete

中文: 摘要由于狮泉河水电站粘土心墙土石坝掺合料的最大干密度受反滤料与粘土料的掺合比例、反滤料含砂率的影响较大,因此拟通过本试验确定掺合质量比在(46~54):(54~46)范围变化时,反滤料含砂量变化对最大干密度的影响程度及相关参数,从而确定心墙掺合料填筑的实际压实度。        更详细...
英文: The normal filter material using in the polyester melt,which presssing deformation when melt pressure is high that bringing easily the differential pressure of the melt filter is very high soon,as well as the filter candle can't reuse.After using the new

中文: 五花八门的商品是很难用同一的技术和方法来处理的,每一类商品都有其特点,要拍摄好,必须仔细研究商品的外形、质地及用途,根据广告的创意要求,确定好拍摄器材,给出最佳的布光和构图,并在拍摄过程中进行严格的技术控制,才能取得完美的效果.        更详细...
英文: First, to dilute liquid of influenza virus A 0 times, to filtrate and adsorb by ACF of different layers, to get TCID0 of MDCK by the method CPE, using filter material N9 and pledget as control groups, another control group were filtered with nothing.

中文: 流感甲型病毒原液作0倍稀释,分别通过不同层数活性炭纤维的过滤吸附后,用CPE法测定病毒对MDCK细胞半数感染浓度(TCID0 ) ,设空白对照和参比对照,参比材料选择N9滤材和医用纱布。        更详细...
英文: PTFE membrane filter material is one kind of filter media ,which is far more tiny opening、very glossy、detest water PTFE filter membrane together composite with distinct foundation materials(such as the needle felt and textile fabric).

中文: 聚四氟乙烯覆膜滤料是一种多微孔、极其光滑、又憎水的聚四氟乙烯过滤膜与不同基材(如针刺毡或编织物)复合而成的过滤材料。        更详细...

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