英文: His second proposition was a crusade against the Supreme Court of the United States because of the Dred Scott decision, urging as an especial reason for his opposition to that decision that it deprived the Negroes of the rights and benefits of that clause
中文: 他特别提出了他反对那项裁决的理由,即它剥夺了《美国宪法》规定的黑人的权利和利益,因爲宪法条款规定必须保证每一个州的公民享有各州公民应有的权利、优惠待遇和豁免权。
英文: The Jeffersonian Republican-controlled United States Senate begins an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase.
中文: 1804年,由共和国控制的、支持杰斐逊的美国参议院由美国最高法院司法官萨缪尔·蔡司审判,发起一项针对北部联邦盟军-游击队的弹劾。