英文: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (1984) amended the original 1976 act and required federal of potentially dangerous solid-waste disposal.
中文: 1984年资源保护与恢复法对1976年的原始法案予以修正并要求对有潜在危害的固体废料出台联邦法规。
英文: San Joaquin Region Resource Conservation District Centerworks in urban areas as well as with farmers and ranchers on agricultural-related concerns.And it addresses a wide variety of conservation issues such as forest fuel management, water and air quality
中文: 描述:桑河加库区资源保护中心是美国150多个资源保护区之一,该组织是介于政府组织和土地所有者之间的,主要是处理有关于自然资源的相关问题,其中包括:水资源和空气资源的质量,土壤和水污染的控制,资源保护教育等。
英文: Sixth, we need to carry out an extensive and long-term resource conservation campaign throughout the country to heighten public awareness of the need to conserve resources.
中文: 六要在全社会广泛持久地开展资源节约活动,使建设资源节约型社会深入人心,蔚成风气。
英文: We paid particular attention to energy and resource conservation and environmental protection and laid out tasks, policies and measures for building a resourceconserving society and developing a circular economy in order to change the pattern of economic
中文: 为推进经济增长方式转变,突出抓了能源资源节约和环境保护,提出了建设资源节约型社会、发展循环经济的任务和政策措施,启动了178项节能、节水和资源综合利用等重大项目。
英文: We take energy conservation and environmental protection as basic state policies, and we are striving to build a resource conservation and environment friendly society to ensure China's coordinated and sustained social and economic development.
中文: 中国坚持把节约资源、保护环境作为基本国策,着力建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,促进经济社会全面协调可持续发展。