英文: Chiropractor is now registered under the Hong Kong Legislative Law since 2001. Please check under the Chiropractor Council or enquiring at the Chiropractic Doctor's Association of Hong Kong for registration listing.
中文: 脊医与脊骨疗法现在已经立法监管,所以市民应小心选择求诊,向专业医生查询,或致电脊医管理局,香港执业脊医协会联络,以防构成健康危险.
英文: He said that chiropractic adjustments usually relieve the pain, which he thinks could also be related to day-to-day baseball activities.
中文: 他说:脊椎的调整将让疼痛缓和,也相信这跟每一天上场打球有关。
英文: However, if she has formed an unshakable belief that your daughter requires frequent chiropractic visits, legal action may be necessary to protect your daughter's physical and mental health.
中文: 如果你前妻一点也听不进去,到了最糟糕的那一步,你就只好寻求法律帮助来保护你女儿。
英文: My book, Inside Chiropractic,describes inappropriate chiropractic treatment in detail.
中文: 我在我的《整脊科求医须知》书中详尽地介绍了有些不良整脊师的伎俩。
英文: Next time, I will probably try chiropractic therapy because some people say that is very effective in relieving the backaches.
中文: 我下次要去试试整脊治疗,有人说整脊对舒缓背痛很有效。