英文: In total, 53 patients with adrenal tumors were analyzed, including 19 men (mean age ± standard deviation, SD, 41.8±12.9 yr; range, 24-66 yr) and 34 women (mean age ± SD, 42.3±12.4 yr; range, 1974 yr), with an overall mean age ± SD of 42.6±12.5 years.
中文: 总共分析53位患者,包括19位男性(平均年龄41.8岁,标准差12.9岁,年龄範围24-66岁)与34位女性(平均年龄42.3岁,标准差12.4岁,年龄範围19-74岁),整体平均年龄46.2岁,标准差12.5岁。
英文: The nature reserves cover 5.74%of the total area in the Yangtze Basin , which is 1.9%lower than the overall mean rate in China.
中文: 长江流域的自然保护区占全流域面积的5.74%,比我国自然保护区占国土面积的比例低1.9个百分点。
英文: The numbers of chiasma ranged from 0~ with an overall mean of ..
中文: 交叉点数目在0~之间变动,平均为.。