英文: 26 Dewey, Barbara I. “Leadership and university libraries: building to scale at the interface of cultures.” Journal of Library Administration 42 (1) 2005, pp.41-50.
中文: 陈书梅。「大学图书馆馆员对馆长领导风格之认知研究」。图书资讯学刊17期(民91年12月),页49-69。
英文: BARBARA CASTLE, Labor MP, 1945-1979: We knew that our people would never have withstood the bombardments and the loss of life and the hardship if they hadn't been confident that their government was operating a policy of fair shares.
中文: 工党下院议员,1945-1979年:我们知道如果不是人民确信政府正实行公平参与地政策,那么他们决不会经得住炮轰、死亡和困难。
英文: Barbara Bush's purse was snatched at a Buenos Aires restaurant during a night on the town, but the Secret Service agents did not notice, ABC said, citing police sources.
中文: ABC援引警方的话说,芭芭拉被抢钱包时正在布宜诺斯艾利斯的一家餐厅吃晚餐,但特工们没有察觉这一情况。
英文: Barbara Covett: She's the one I have waited for.
中文: 她就是我一直在等待的那个人。
英文: Barbara Olson, a former federal prosecutor, was aboard American Airlines Flight 77.
中文: 前联邦检查官,在美国航空飞机77号上。