*['glu:tn]\nn. 面筋, 麸质\n【化】 谷蛋白; 面筋\n【医】 麸质, 谷胶
英文: Aminopterin is banned in America but the wheat gluten at the centre of the contamination investigation was imported from China, where the poison is used.
中文: 虽然氨基蝶呤在美国是被禁止的,但是这次中毒事件的调查重点—谷朊粉却是从中国进口,在中国氨基蝶呤被当作农药使用。
英文: And a spokesman for the European Commission said on Wednesday that food safety officials there were investigating after Greece and Poland reported finding traces of melamine in corn gluten and rice protein imported from China, forcing the rejection of one
中文: 纽约时报报道至少有100名巴拿马人在服用以中国进口的甘油为辅料生产的糖浆后死亡(经检测糖浆中也含有巨毒的二甘醇);欧盟委员会的发言人在周三表示负责食品安全的官员正在调查希腊和波兰报告的在从中国进口的大米和玉米蛋白粉中发现有害物质三聚氰胺的报告,并采取措施将这些被污染的食品赶出欧洲市场。
英文: But an FDA official noted that melamine can made products appear to contain more protein than they truly do , so one theory is that it may have been added to the wheat gluten on purpose .
中文: 但是,一位FDA官员指出,三聚氰胺可以使产品表面上看起来比实际含有更多的蛋白质,所以有这样一种可能就是它被有意添加到这些麦麸中。
英文: Her attorney, Thomas Pakenas, said his client has celiac disease, which causes gastrointestinal symptoms set off by eating gluten , a protein found in wheat.
中文: 据莫法特的律师托马斯·帕克纳斯说,他的当事人患有腹部疾病,食用麦麸(小麦中的一种蛋白质)会引起肠胃不适。
英文: In recent weeks, scores of cats and dogs in America have died of kidney failure blamed on eating pet food containing gluten from China that was tainted with melamine, a chemical used in plastics, fertilizers and flame retardants.
中文: 近几周来,美国大量的猫和狗死于肾衰竭,原因是吃的宠物食品中含有从中国进口的麦麸,这种麦麸被三聚氰胺(一种用于塑料、肥料和阻燃剂的化学品)污染。