英文: Contraction of the levetor labii superioris , zygomatic minor, and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi elevate the upper lip; contraction of the depressor labii inferioris depress the lower lip.
中文: 提上唇肌、小颧肌、提鼻翼肌的收缩动作会牵动上唇,使之往上移动,而降下唇肌则掌管下唇的收缩及下拉。
英文: Contraction of the zygomatic major muscle elevates and retracts the corner of the mouth, while the depressor labii inferioris pulls the lips down and out.
中文: 大颧肌控制嘴角的延展和收缩动作,降鼻翼肌则负责使上下唇上下移动。