英文: Bilateral flowers evolved , e.g. those of the pea family (Fabaceae) and orchids (Orchidaceae).
中文: 左右对称花类植物发生多样化进化,如豆科植物(豆科)和兰科植物(兰科)。
英文: December 25th in 2005, I esteem highly most of a boon teacher Wu ying xiang professor walk, tumbling down in the megalith of my that Chinese Orchids altar in the heart!
中文: 2005年12月25日,我最敬重的一位恩师吴应祥教授走了,在我心中的那块中国兰花坛上的巨石倒塌了!
英文: On the same journey there was a bookish looking man who spent twelve hours standing so as to protect a pair of orchids he had bought for his wife.
中文: 同是在那次旅途之中,还有一个书卷气的人为了保护他为自己妻子买的一对兰花而站了12个小时。
英文: Orchids You are a perfectionist and detailoriented.You are happiest when you are challenged.You tend to be highly organized and efficient.And that's what makes you such a success.
中文: 如果你喜欢兰花,你是个完美主义者,注重细节。你最乐于接受挑战。你往往极有条理,效率极高。这是你成功的原因。
英文: The Sell with the spring onion and the garlic street head, I am doubly touching for gentleman.Regard as the spring onion and garlic to the Orchids so in the big top business, I am to call for Orchids gravamen.
中文: 这时的吴老怀着满腔的愤怨,大声呼吁:兰花古称“君子之花”,今资源被破坏,兰花被挖光,流落亍头,贱价叫卖,十分痛心,有感赋此。